Exploring Sound of Tingsha Cymbals and Tibetan Singing Bowls

As I am getting older I am paying more attention to rest and recovery side of my fitness journey. It includes relaxation time spent with with a variety of sound making devices: a shaman drum, steel tongue drums and Tibetan singing bowls. I just added a new instrument to my collection: Tingsha cymbals, also known as Tibetan tingsha or ting-sha. They are a type of small hand-held cymbals that are commonly used in Tibetan Buddhist practices to mark the beginning and end of a meditation or ceremony, and to clear negative energy or distractions.

They are usually made of two thin metal, bronze or brass, plates that are attached to each other by a leather strap or cord. The plates are often embossed with Tibetan symbols, mantras, or other decorative designs. Tingsha cymbals produce a bright, clear, and resonant sound when struck together.

Here are some typical ways to play Tingsha cymbals:

  1. Striking: Hold one cymbal in each hand and strike them together, allowing them to resonate until the sound fades away.
  2. Ringing: Hold one cymbal in each hand and gently tap the edges together, then allow them to vibrate and ring for several seconds.
  3. Rubbing: Hold one cymbal in each hand and rub their edges together in a circular motion to produce a sustained sound.
  4. Clapping: Hold both cymbals in one hand and clap them together with the other hand to produce a sharp, percussive sound.

I am just starting to play with Tingsha cymbals for fun, relaxation, and perhaps, sound healing, without following any traditional Buddhism practices.

You are welcome to check a new video on my YouTube channel: exploration of the sound of Tingsha cymbals and Tibetan singing bowls. How do you like that combination?

Tingsha cymbals are much cheaper instrument than Tibetan singing bowls. You can find plenty of them on Amazon. At this time, I don’t have any recommendations how to select them, since I’ve got just one pair.

1 thought on “Exploring Sound of Tingsha Cymbals and Tibetan Singing Bowls”

  1. Pingback: How to play Tibetan Tingsha cymbals for fun?

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