How I Boost My Energy: Cold Showers, Sun, Exercise, Coffee

I believe in the power of habits, rituals, and routines, and have established a morning routine that sets me up for a productive day ahead. As a self-employed photographer working from home, I have full control over my schedule, including my exercise routine, which I typically do at home or in my backyard, along with longer outdoor activities like biking and paddling. Although the majority of my work, probably 80%, is done in front of a computer, I prioritize my health and well-being by starting my day with a series of mindful self care activities.

  • warm sun shining through tree foliage
  • senior man is practicing reflexology therapy
  • senior man is practicing dry brushing
  • senior man is playing steel tongue drum
  • senior man is using a jade stone roller for a face massage
  • senior man with a spiky self massage ball
  • senior man is applying a retinol cream under his eyes
  • senior man performing self massage

To ensure a restful night’s sleep, I aim to get 7 hours of sleep each night without the use of an alarm clock. Here is a breakdown of my typical morning routine:

  1. Setting up my office room environment: I turn on the heating, air filter, fill up the humidifier with water, and set up my essential oil diffuser to create a conducive work environment.
  2. Hand exercises: I start with stretching, shaking, and acupressure using a golf ball, along with “nail polishing.” I used to have a problem with my left thumb that ended up frozen, and my orthopedist suggested surgery. However, with a cortisone shot and a lot of exercise, massage, and trigger point work, I managed to restore my thumb to normal and keep it that way.
  3. Massaging my hands, arms, neck, and feet with a gun massager and rolling my feet on a spiky ball. It helps to overcome stiffness in my hands due to arthritis.
  4. A quick dry brushing, not every day.
  5. Warm and cold shower: I have found that taking a cold shower in the morning wakes me up and energizes me.
  6. While applying body lotion, I do some neck massage, which I learned a few years ago when recovering from whiplash after a car accident. I also do some simple neck exercises whenever possible.
  7. I spend a few minutes relaxing by playing on my steel tongue drum, which I find helps me to center myself. It’s not a meditation yet, but I am getting close.
  8. Then, I head outside to my backyard with my dog to watch the rising or still low sun. Watching the sunrise in the morning helps to set your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep quality. I do 10-20 minutes of easy exercises, including stretching, walking around the backyard and upstairs/downstairs, arm rotations, Hindu squats, a few pushups, hanging on a training tower, some rotations in a deep squat position, balance exercises like the one-leg stand, and back and forth walking on a 2×4 log.
  9. I then feed my dog breakfast. While I don’t eat until noon or early afternoon, I start my day with bulletproof coffee, to which I add MCT oil, ghee or tahini, a dash of powdered ginger and cinnamon, and prepare my supplements, a glass of water with a squeezed lemon, and some brewed cistus (rock rose) herb tea to sip throughout the day. This tea supports digestion and motility.
  10. During my kitchen work, I usually practice oil pulling with GuruNanda product or the oil mixture I prepare myself.
  11. While my coffee is brewing, I have just enough time to brush my teeth and do some face work: massage with a jade roller, applying GuyStuff moisturizing serum, under-eye cream, eye drops, and beard oil.
  12. I then start my workday with a 90-minute segment of computer work. I work standing with occasional sitting on a high stool, so it’s not sedentary work. I also wear an Apollo Neuro device set in the morning for energy or focus, depending on how I’m feeling.

This is my typical morning routine during the fall and winter months. When I wake up well before sunrise in the winter, I do my morning exercise inside and catch a couple of minutes of sunlight later. When I travel or go for a sunrise photo session, I modify my routine accordingly, but many items stay the same. In a springtime my morning exercise will extend to 1 hour to accommodate some gardening and backyard work.

The list above reads like a video script. Prior to writing it, I didn’t realize how many things I do in my morning and how I’m constantly adding new elements. Additionally, I strive to find opportunities for growth and learning from challenging experiences, including car accidents or injuries, and incorporate these lessons into my morning routine.

In conclusion, establishing a morning routine has helped me prioritize my health and well-being, and set me up for a productive day ahead. I encourage you to experiment with your own routine and find what works best for you.

What are some elements of your morning routine that you find most helpful? Do you have any tips for establishing a consistent routine? Let me know in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “How I Boost My Energy: Cold Showers, Sun, Exercise, Coffee”

  1. Pingback: How to improve sleep quality? Brainstorming and mind mapping. – Fit over 67

  2. Pingback: Exploring Tai Chi practice with ruler and bang – Fit over 67

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